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  • Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Learn how to manage your symptoms and find support.

    Read our blog for essential tips and strategies.

  • What is a healthy range for the HRV number?

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  • New user here so I may have missed reading something. How do you arrive at the training goal?

  • Hi. Can Anyone explain to me what the square symbol with zero inside is ? Thank you

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    • I believe you are refering to the “Other reading” markers. Click the info button in the “Workout Details” window on the upper right, a pop-up window will show you the definitions for the data feilds. (Make sure to allow POP-UPS in your browser for the website.)

  • Hi all,Ive just bought the X2 and have been really impressed so far,So im a long distance runner for a very long time,I have a heart condition already,and have a CABGX2,I suufer from Bradycardia,and only have Stage 1 Av Heart Block,Lately Ive been suffering from Palpatations,I already have a loop recorder fitted and thought that there might have…Read More

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    • This is not a medical device. Believe pacs and PVC’s and couplets. I had everything after my cabg. I actually died in hospital. I was resuscitated. I had cabg x4. 2 failed blocked and now have bradycardia with first av block. When sleeping with it I noticed you have around 60 bpm, but I guess u have some drops in there that are lower, I did n…Read More

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