Tom NapierPinned Post
Anyone with pacemakers use the FF monitor with device techs for adjustments. Just recently had a pacemaker implant – ten days ago. Still on the mend – wound and anchor setting for the wires. Anxious to test the rate response setting with increased exercise activities. Mainly a cyclist but can test running too. I have the Boston Science…Read More
Hi Tom – I have a pacemaker and FF has been extremely useful in helping to sort out various arrhythmias that I have developed and provided very useful information to help the electrophysiologists adjust the settings. Although it has a battery and bluetooth I do not think it gives out enough EM radiation to affect the PM – but like all “household”…Read More
I am trying to compile exercise data to correlate with my heart rhythm that I can review with my cardiologist/electro physiologist. I have chronotropic incompetence from a sick sinus syndrome. I would like to correlate watts, breathing, body temperature and cycling cadence that I can obtain from other devices with the heart rhythm – i.e.…Read More
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Smart Heart Seminar
Public Group
The Frontier device has not undergone official safety testing for use with pacemakers. However, we have received feedback from several users who have reported using it without issues. We recommend that you contact your pacemaker manufacturer for specific safety information. Additionally, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider to e…Read More