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    chris posted in the group Smart Heart Seminar

    10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Is there a reference for understanding normal or acceptable parameters for percentage of “Other” readings on the EKG pie chart? While at rest or sleeping greater than 99% is Normal. When exercising, however, only about 75% is Normal with the remainder usually Other or a combination of Other and Noisy.

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    • Did you get any answers here?

      • Hi Mark, It’s important to understand that the Other Rhythm % is based on the number of 20 second sessions that contain a single or multiple deviations from normal rhythm, as a percentage of the total 20s sessions in your recording. It is best to look for relative changes in this feature to understand if there have been changes in your heart health.
        ‘This is different from the number of % abnormal beats and should not be considered a replacement. Furthermore it’s important that you have a clean ECG reading as noise may also affect the reliability of Other rhythm feature .A large change in your other rhythm % may be indicative of a change in your underlying ECG.



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