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  • Profile picture of nick


    8 months, 1 week ago

    How is the percentage of other rhythm calculated? It isn’t a percentage of beats.

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    • Hi Nick, With regard to your query, we would like to let you know that this is due to the fact that we currently do not analyze at a beat to beat level. We analyze each 20 seconds session of ECG. If there exists a deviation that segment is marked out as ‘Other’ rhythm. The Percentage is calculated as the (number of sessions with other beats / total sessions) and not at a beat to beat level. Hope this answers your question 🙂

      • Is there any way of identifying those sections on the ecg to have a look at what is going on? Eg I had 0.7% “other rhythm” during a 7 hour sleep. How do I identify them on the ecg?

      • Thanks for this info, I was wondering how it worked too, as it’s obviously not a percentage of beats.
