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  • Profile picture of kevinduwe

    kevinduwe posted in the group Smart Heart Seminar

    2 years, 7 months ago

    I had exercise induced aflutter about 4 years ago with rate sitting at 140 long after the workout ended. It progressed to chronic. Tried all the meds which made exercise difficult. Had it ablated. All was good until this past year when I noted the rate going over 200 with similar feelings to the aflutter before. If I back off it normalizes pretty quickly. Caught it on EKG and is now afib still only exercise induced. Im trying to cut back on alcohol and caffeine but dont want to detrain or get the ablation just yet. Im trying to find the heart rate to stay below to keep me out of fib. Feels like I can stay low 150s but if I push above that it seems to go into 170s but I cant symptomatically tell if thats fib. Clearly the 200s are. Can the system help me decide where I go into fib??

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