• support@fourthfrontier.com
  • Profile picture of jason


    10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Regarding Dashboard events; Is there no way to add a “Add Health Event Tag” to a previous time? It seems to only allows date and the default time of day as present time of entry. Example took meds at 8:00hr but its now 13:00hr that I make the entry and I cannot set the time to 8:00hr ? Can this feature be updated in the future?

    • Hi , This is possible on the mobile and web applications . You can edit the date and time for Health event Tags before saving them even though by default is picks the current date and time. Attaching a screenshot from the web dashboard to show how this can be done . The pencil icon opens up the calendar to choose the date and the clock icon at the bottom of the calendar will allow you to edit the time .

      • Okay I see the clock icon on the web pop up now, ask your developers to extend the height of the pop up by 20 px so we don’t have to scroll, this is small ask. The larger ask is why can’t we edit the tags? Only delete them? Thanks for your help
