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  • Profile picture of Matt-486


    2 years, 6 months ago

    Can anyone weigh in on my workout graph?

    Profile Photo liked this
    • Looks very similar to the PVC’s that i occasionally get during exercise (see attached file) . What were you doing during this period , if you don’t mind me asking. PVCs tend to be more frequent as we get older, but in many cases can be benign. However if you have loads during an aerobic exercise eg running (eg > 10-15% other rhythm, then may be best to get checked out by your GP / doctor to rule out the possiblity of an arrhythmia).

    • You have some PVCs. Can you feel these in your chest when they happen? How many do you have per minute ? I want to say don’t worry about them but it’s more complicated than that so you should ask your doctor who will drill into family history and general health to assess risk.

    • PVCs are tricky, do you want to be treated for something that doesn’t give you symptoms? If you have sustained pvcs, one after the other >5 or 6 in a row, then consider treatment.



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