• support@fourthfrontier.com
  • Profile picture of pbrankin


    2 years, 6 months ago

    My first 3 mile run with the Frontier X. Fastest I’ve ever run it…

    However, my Cardiac Strain was .02 … surely this isn’t right? particularly as;

    my Heart Rate was 170bpm, Breathing Rate was 52pm and Body Shock was 154.

    I’m not sure I can trust the Cardiac score…the AI claimed this was a moderate work out! yet…it was the hardest I’ve run this distance this year!



    1 Comment
    • The Cardiac Strain value can still be low and it just means that the heart is getting enough oxygen. However we need more context and need to look into data in depth to interpret it effectively. We are also making modifications to the language of the AI feedback and improving on it. Reach out to us on support@fourthfrontier.com if you have any further questions and we will be happy to help !
