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  • Profile picture of pamela


    4 months, 2 weeks ago

    Should I be concerned about 0.08 other rhythm on ecg?

    1 Comment
    • This is a question for an electrophysiologist or maybe a cardiologist. It will depend on what those other rhythms are, but as someone that has had AFIB and lots of wonky bets before my catheter ablation (so far successful), I would think that 0.08 is a low load and not really too much to worry about unless you are having symptoms. If you feel something that you don’t like, or you continue to be anxious about those “other” numbers talk to a physician. I push my 62 yr old heart pretty good training to race bicycles, and I see about that same amount of “other.” Most if it appears to be just the strap moving, but every now and then, when I get up near my max HR, I get an occasional PAC (Premature Atrial Contraction). My electrophysiologist says it is absolutely nothing to worry about and very common. But he has looked at mine, not yours.
