Hi there ,are these PVC’s my x2 is picking up,and should I be concerned about that length of pause.
Hi all,Ive just bought the X2 and have been really impressed so far,So im a long distance runner for a very long time,I have a heart condition already,and have a CABGX2,I suufer from Bradycardia,and only have Stage 1 Av Heart Block,Lately Ive been suffering from Palpatations,I already have a loop recorder fitted and thought that there might have…Read More
1 Comment
This is not a medical device. Believe pacs and PVC’s and couplets. I had everything after my cabg. I actually died in hospital. I was resuscitated. I had cabg x4. 2 failed blocked and now have bradycardia with first av block. When sleeping with it I noticed you have around 60 bpm, but I guess u have some drops in there that are lower, I did n…Read More