• support@fourthfrontier.com
  • Anyone take any supplements that improve X2 readings? i.e: reduce ectopics or improve HRV and/or stress?
    A clean diet helps me but there must be some compound that’s doing the work.
    If I eat poor quality foods I can have a really bad day!!

  • I requested this feature to support: [Allow users to tag events on the Web based ECG trace].
    Currently, events are tagged automatically with a letter, like ,”O”. There are lots of events (PAC, PVC) in my readings that don’t get tagged. I would like to tag these missed events myself and also have them displayed in the pie chart so my doctors…Read More

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  • Given that blood pressure medications affect maximum heart rate through various mechanisms, how should I interpret my ECG data? Is perceived effort and zone-based training accurate or meaningful in this context?
    Should I adjust my goals whilst taking medication?
    (I’m already a member of the Heart Program but I thought some general info might be…Read More

    1 Comment
    • Hi Chris,
      Perceived effort and breathing rate is a great tool to understand how to set your training zones, while on blood pressure medications. Once you have a good idea of how your heart zones have changed with the medication, you can move to using heart rate zones as well. Interpreting the ECG is not very different, other than of course…Read More
